Application for Advanced Hanafi Fiqh




Hanafi Fiqh classes will take place from 11 am to 12 pm EST every Saturday and Sunday.


Hanafi Fiqh Curriculum



1. Must have covered some text in ibabdat, must have covered taharah, salah, and all fard 'ayn knowledge including aqida and fiqh.
2. Must have covered enough Arabic grammar and morphology to read and understand basic matn and must be continuing Arabic studies.

You should have enough knowledge of Arabic (nahw, sarf) to read and understand a basic matn. It doesn't need to be full understanding but it must be enough to understand the sentence structure and be able to look up words that you don't know. You must also be continuing your Arabic studies in some way.


1. Mukhtasar al Quduri + covering some rasm al-mufti and structure of the madhhab from 'Uqud Rasm al-Mufti of Ibn 'Abidin, Fiqh Ahl al-Iraq wa Hadithuhum of Muhammad Zahid al-Kawthari, and some madkhal works

2. Nur al-Idah with its sharh Maraqi al-Falah for learning 'ibadat in detail

3. A sharh level work, either a sharh of Al-Quduri like Al-Lubab, or Al-Ikhtiyar (sharh of al-Mukhtar), depending on the students and their reading ability. At this stage we may cover more than one sharh to get students familiar with reading different works.

During this third stage we should also cover a text in usul al fiqh, most likely Manar al-Anwar of Hafiz al Din al Nasafi.

4. Specific works covering specialized areas of law that need more attention (e.g. Al-Birgivi's risalah on hayd, mutun on fasting, Sirajiyyah for inheritance).

5. Al-Hidayah (possibly before this text depending on the level of the students we may need to do one more detailed sharh level work such as Sharh al-Wiqayah)


Price: $30/month